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Business News

Consumer Confidence in the United States Falls, Reveals Recent Survey

A leading analytics and survey provider has recorded a slump in United States consumer confidence. The Conference Board, a reputable source, has released information showing a decline in its consumer...

Business News

World Bank issues a warning oil could hit $100 a barrel mark

The World Bank has stated that oil prices could surge to $100 a barrel due to rising tensions in the Middle East. The news comes as the Israeli government has...

Business News

Ireland records $750m in tax revenue amid Brexit windfall reports

The emerald isle has significantly benefited from Brexit, recording over €700m ($750) in tax revenues. With its long-standing reputation as a thriving hub for global tech and digital companies, including...

Business News

Regulation Crowdfunding and the State of Angel Investing to be discussed by SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to discuss Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) and the State of Angel Investing. The SEC’s Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee will host...

Business News

xAI owned by Elon Musk close to raising $6 billion

Artificial intelligence (AI) startup xAI, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, is close to reaching $6 billion in investor support. Musk has been outspoken about his aims to win the war...

Business News

Southwest Airlines makes big operational changes after 2024 financial report.

Southwest Airlines, one of the leading consumer aviation brands in the United States, has been in the spotlight for a series of operational adjustments, all prompted by the findings of...