Graham Young

Keynote Speaker

Graham Young writes to simplify the psychology and neuroscience behind human performance. He has spoken on stage to thousands of people, provided corporate training to some of the largest companies in North America and written in publications including Entrepreneur, TIME and Business Insider.

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Social Media

How Humans Relate to Social Media

Too many people are disconnecting from reality.

Thought Leaders

How to Break Frustrating Patterns in Your Life

Take control of the underlying, unconscious decisions that dictate the results in your life and business.


5 Steps to Creating a Productive Mind

Understanding the psychology behind why you are so busy will change how you perceive time.


The Damaging Psychology of Sales Reps and 3 Crucial Habits of Top Performers

The reasons why sales reps underperform are not entirely mysterious.


The Most Powerful Advice Entrepreneurs Ignore

Follow these six steps to dropping your ego and finding the right mentor.

Science & Technology

3 Ways to End Technology Distraction

It's not about never looking at your phone; it's simply about looking at it less.

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