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Build Your Newsletter's Subscriber Base Have a great e-newsletter, but not enough people to share it with? Build your subscriber list with a co-registration campaign.

By Catherine Seda

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Wishing for more subscribers to your company's e-newsletter? Then create a co-registration campaign to connect with a new audience--visitors on other websites will be able to sign up for your newsletter on the spot.

Newsletter owners with a list size comparable to yours might do a free cross-promotion. Search the web for newsletters with content similar or relevant to yours. For example, if you publish a parenting newsletter, look for newsletters on pregnancy or children's sports. You can also try finding partners at the Co-Registration Directory, a free service run by Co-Reg Complete.

If your newsletter contact list isn't big enough for cross-promotion yet, or you want to boost your subscriber numbers quickly, work with an agency that brokers co-registration deals, such as Aptimus Inc., PermissionDirector SilverCarrot Inc. Rates can range from 4 cents to more than $1 per subscriber, with a minimum investment of $1,000 to $2,500. But before you buy, make sure you ask these questions to prevent being accused of sending spam:

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