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Entrepreneur Plus - Short White
For Subscribers

Explaining What Your Company Does? Keep it Simple. It's not as easy as it sounds. And you need to get it right.

By Matt McCue

This story appears in the September 2016 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »

Adam Friedberg
CatSpring’s Abianne Falla (left) and JennaDee Detro.

Abianne Falla and JennaDee Detro are sisters, and their family has a ranch west of Houston. Like many places in Texas, the land had become dotted with yaupon, a little holly shrub that cattle ranchers treat as a weed. But the sisters looked into the greenery's history and discovered that it's the only naturally caffeinated plant native to North America -- and it used to be dried, steeped and drunk.

They started harvesting the yaupon and created a company called CatSpring Yaupon Tea. The way they figured it, nobody's heard of yaupon, but everyone knows tea. And although their drink isn't technically tea -- that word refers to a drink made from the Camellia sinensis shrub -- yaupon is made like tea, looks like tea and tastes like tea. So what's the easiest way to explain what they're selling? Call it yaupon tea.

Related: The Secret to Marketing to Busy People Who Don't Have Time to Read (Infographic)

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