Lida Citroën

Reputation management and personal branding expert

Lida Citroën is an executive personal branding and reputation management specialist, a TEDx and keynote speaker, instructor on LinkedIn Learning and consultant working with global business leaders and military veterans to enhance their position and reputation in strategic markets.

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How to Develop an Executive Presence and Earn Respect

Learn how to build and communicate confidence and credibility to get the attention of those who matter.


Should Your Brand Take a Stand? Here Are 5 Critical Steps For Getting It Right.

The question isn't whether brands should take a stand but how and when.


Eludir la cultura de cancelación: 3 formas de administrar su reputación en línea

Para evitar ser víctima de cancelar la cultura, ¿debe evitar estar en línea o hay formas de inocular su reputación? Aquí, veremos tres sistemas probados para administrar la reputación en línea.


Sidestep Cancel Culture: 3 Ways to Manage Your Reputation Online

To avoid falling victim to cancel culture, should you avoid being online or are there ways to inoculate your reputation? Here, we'll look at three proven systems to manage reputation online.


Diez preguntas que debe hacer si su reputación es atacada

Comprender claramente lo que está sucediendo y planificar cuidadosamente una respuesta garantiza que avanzará con atención.


10 Questions to Ask if Your Reputation Is Attacked

Clearly understanding what's happening and carefully planning for a response ensures you'll move forward with focus.

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