Lisa Eadicicco

Lisa Eadicicco is a Tech Reporter for Business Insider.

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Business News

Here's Everything Apple Announced at its Biggest Event of the Year

Apple just unveiled major upgrades to the iPhone, its own chips for Macs, and much more.

Business News

Apple Is Expected to Launch the New iPhone 11 Lineup During a Big Event on Tuesday -- Here's Everything We Know So Far

Apple is expected to release three iPhones again on Tuesday, September 10. Here are the latest rumors.

Business News

Apple Is Expected to Launch 3 New iPhones This Year. Here's Everything We Know So Far.

Potential changes include a new three-lens camera system and the ability to use the iPhone as a charging pad for other products.

Business News

This New App Lets Everybody Edit Photos Like the Pros

Astropad Mini turns your iPhone into a professional-grade graphics tablet.

Business News

Jack Ma, China's Richest Man, Says He Was Happier When He Wasn't a Billionaire

Having droves of money comes with lots of pressure.

Business News

Why Tesla Employees Fear Elon Musk, According to One of the Company's Co-Founders

Working under a leader that's as eccentric, brilliant and intense as Musk is sure to come with its fair share of challenges and benefits.

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