Liz Webber

Entrepreneur Staff
Insights Editor

Liz Webber is the insights editor at, where she manages the contributor network.

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Data & Recovery

More Robots Might Mean Less Coffee, and More CBD (60-Second Video)

Here are three things entrepreneurs should know today.

Business News

Tesla Refutes Timeline, ADL Awards Tim Cook and Quora Breach Hits 100 Million (60-Second Video)

Here are three things entrepreneurs should know today.

Business News

Mars Lander Sends First Snapshots (60-Second Video)

Here are three things entrepreneurs should know today.


Basecamp Co-Founder and CEO Jason Fried Explains How to Make Work Less Crazy

Eight-hour work days, no pointless meetings, vacations that are actually vacations -- it all sounds great, but how do you make it happen?

Social Media

60-Second Video: Amazon Can't Choose Just One

Here are three things entrepreneurs should know today.

Data & Recovery

60-Second Video: Protest Planned at Google

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