Innovation - Page 3

Leaders have to stay at the forefront of innovation. Discover innovative trends across technology and strategy that will help you stand apart and lead towards success here.

Starting a Business

This Mother and Daughter Were 'Kind of Fringe Weirdos' When They Started an Uncommon Business in Their Garage. Now They're in Major Retailers — and Victoria Beckham Is a Fan.

Jenefer and Melissa Palmer's slow-and-steady approach to growth helped their skincare and body care brand OSEA thrive over decades — but lately they've been taking things up a notch.

Business Ideas

Don't Have Time to Eat Healthy? This Entrepeneur Has a Fix for That.

Luke Saunders, founder and CEO of Farmer's Fridge, built a company to make eating fresh food on the go as easy as buying a bag of chips.


This 'Cutting-Edge' Strategy Used By Meta and Google Is Helping Leaders Keep Young Employees Motivated

Archer Chiang, founder and CEO of Giftpack, breaks down the method that can improve results and retention.

Growing a Business

To Make Your First Million Dollars, Draw Up This Venn Diagram: 'You Want to Fall Right In the Middle. If You Do, I Think It'll Take 5 Years'

The hosts of 'My First Million' believe anyone can make it happen if they follow this formula.

More Posts on Innovation

Side Hustle

When This Entrepreneur Couldn't Decide What to Name His Business, He Started a $2,000-a-Month Side Hustle to Help — Now It Earns Over $10 Million a Year

Darpan Munjal, founder and CEO of AI-powered startup ecosystem Atom, offered $50 to anyone who could help with the creativity block.

Side Hustle

3 Secrets to Starting a Small Business Side Hustle That Gives Your Day Job a Run for Its Money, According to People Who Did Just That — and Made Millions

Almost anyone can start a side hustle — but only those ready to level up can use it to out-earn their 9-5s.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How Empathy-Based Leadership Can Transform Your Teams and Businesses

Empathy-based leadership is increasingly recognized as a valuable approach in the business world, where traditional strategic plans often fall short.

Science & Technology

More Companies Are Rushing to Hire A Chief AI Officer — But Do You Need One? Here's What You Need to Know.

Companies are appointing executives to oversee AI. A better approach: infuse the technology throughout the organization.

Thought Leaders

The Most Innovative Leaders Use These 3 Mental Models to Unlock Their Best Ideas

Mental models help us to understand things more fully and come up with smarter, more groundbreaking solutions. Here are three mental models you can use to grow, innovate and think differently.

Starting a Business

He Had a Side Hustle Driving for Uber When a Passenger Gave Him $100,000 — Now His Company Is On Track to Solve a Billion-Dollar Problem

Joshua Britton is the founder and CEO of Debut, a biotechnology company that's doing things differently.

Green Entrepreneur®

The SEC's New Climate Transparency Rules Mean Sustainability Isn't Just a Buzzword Anymore — Here's How to Embrace It.

Discover how to openly discuss your organization's activities related to sustainability. When expertly done, accurate and transparent public relations efforts will enhance brand reputation and increase engagement.

Science & Technology

AI Will Radically Transform the Workplace — Here's How HR Teams Can Prepare for It

HR intrapreneurs are emerging as key drivers of AI reskilling, thoughtful organizational restructuring and ethical integration, shaping an inclusive future where technology enhances both efficiency and employee development.

Growing a Business

They Designed One Simple Product With a 'Focus on Human Health' — and Made $40 Million Last Year

Marilee Nelson, Allison Evans and Kelly Love founded cult-favorite cleaning brand Branch Basics in 2012.


AI vs. Humanity — Why Humans Will Always Win in Content Creation

With the proliferation and integration of AI across organizations and business units, PR and marketing professionals may be tempted to lean into this new technology more than recommended.

Growing a Business

Successful Brands Use These 4 Radical Practices to Attract Loyal Customers

If you're ready to foster true customer loyalty and propel sustainable growth, it's time to embrace radical transparency across your organization.