artifical intelligence

Science & Technology

Is AI Going to Take Over PR? Here's Where It Belongs and Where It Doesn't in Content Creation

Is artificial intelligence going to take over content creation in PR and marketing, or is it inconsequential?

Science & Technology

Many Companies Are Launching Misleading "Open" AI Models — Here's Why That's Dangerous for Entrepreneurs

Truly open models will level the playing field for AI innovation.

Business Solutions

AI Might Know What You Are Feeling Before You Even Do — Here's How AI Can Help Us With Client Feedback

Adopting artificial intelligence tools means we are not just reacting to feedback; we are staying ahead of it. How AI Can Help Us Understand Client Feedback

Science & Technology

4 Ways AI Startups Can Avoid Becoming Obsolete

Navigate the AI revolution with these strategic insights to build startups resilient enough to withstand rapid AI advancements and the ever-evolving tech ecosystem.

Business News

Beware the Duplicity of OpenAI — 4 Strategies to Safeguard Your Brand in the Age of AI

Follow these recommendations for best practices on how to prevent damage to brand reputation that results from AI applications without proper supervision by a human in the loop.


3 Ways to Prepare Your Business For an AI Future

Before businesses can fully dive into everything AI has to offer, they have to make sure their organization and employees are ready for it.

Growing a Business

5 AI Hacks You Need to Know About in 2024

Despite its vast potential, the key to leveraging AI effectively lies in balancing automation with human oversight to avoid pitfalls and ensure that creativity and decision-making remain human-driven.


How Generative AI Is Fueling the Rise of Fake News and Online Fraud

Generative AI is a blessing for a wide range of professionals, from artists to scientists. Yet, as with any other technology, it can be used with ill intentions.


Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Interaction? 4 Ways AI is Impacting and Empowering Customer Experience

With AI becoming more prominent in customer service, a big question arises: Could AI replace human jobs in this field?

Science & Technology

What We Can Learn from the OpenAI Governance Crisis to Drive Ethical AI Leadership

In the aftermath of OpenAI's leadership turbulence, this article explores the critical importance of ethical governance and the collective responsibility to navigate the complex moral terrain of AI innovation.

Science & Technology

How Venture Capitalists Are Using AI To Invest More Effectively

From sourcing hidden gems to promoting diversity, AI-driven tools streamline investments, save time and money, and revolutionize the industry. But does it work in reality, beyond just theoretical concepts?

Science & Technology

How AI Ecosystems Are Transforming the Future of Business

By adopting AI ecosystems, businesses can gain a competitive edge, increase efficiency and quality, and create value for their stakeholders, customers and society.

Science & Technology

3 Practical Ways to Let Artificial Intelligence Work for You

Rather than redesign their business' entire approach just to meet AI somewhere along the horizon, leaders can instead take a more practical route and ask how AI can improve their current strategy.

Science & Technology

Is All This AI Hype Worth It? Here's What Leaders Can Do to Capitalize on AI

Businesses fully understand what AI can offer, but to ensure a successful AI initiative requires their leaders to treat AI as a pillar of their entire organizational structure.

Science & Technology

5 Areas Where Every Business Should Be Using Cognitive AI Today

In 2023, companies that don't leverage AI run the risk of missing the boat.