

Should I Tell My Boss About This? This is How to Balance What Your Direct Reports Do (& Don't) Need to Know

Understanding what your direct reports do and don't need to know ensures smoother communication and leads to better outcomes.

Resumes & Interviewing

6 Traits to Look For in Your Next Boss

These are the characteristics you need to look for to find a manager who understands they're in service to their teams — not the other way around.

Thought Leaders

Is It Really Time to Take the Plunge? 6 Things to Consider Before Going From Employee to Entrepreneur

Leaving a stable job to start your own business can be tempting, but it carries major risks. Before quitting to be an entrepreneur, carefully assess these important factors.


Manipulation in the C-Suite: Why Fake and Overconfident Leaders Are Corroding Our Teams — And What We Can Do About It

Dark personalities are rampant in the C-suite. Overconfidence and manipulation supercharge political skills. But political skill is different than effectively leading teams. How can organizations protect themselves from people who are good at politics but bad at leadership?


High Turnover and a Toxic Culture? Why Your Leadership Style Might Be Hurting Your Company

Are you a micromanager or a blame game boss? You must address the core issue: your lack of trust.


'That Job Was Hell': 7 Founders Share Their Worst Boss Horror Stories, and What They Learned From the Lunatics

These entrepreneurs lived through bad boss nightmares, but they got the upper hand in the end.


Don't Let an Insecure Boss Stop You From Getting a Raise or Promoted. Here are 3 Tactics to Help You Survive This Tricky Situation.

The more you understand your boss's insecurities, the more you can work with them — and build your own confidence along the way.


4 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Nightmare Boss (and How to Be a Dream Boss)

Are dream bosses born or made? It's a bit of both. Here's what I learned the hard way that can help you tap into your dream boss potential.


The Next Time Someone Intimidates You, Here's What You Should Do

There will always be someone above you, but whether you give them power over you is your choice. This leadership consultant shares the best ways to reframe the situation to give yourself an edge.


What If a Boss and an Employee Swapped Roles? We Tried It.

It's a little something we like to call the "boomerang boss."


How to Develop an Executive Presence and Earn Respect

Learn how to build and communicate confidence and credibility to get the attention of those who matter.


Your Boss is Watching You. Here's Why Monitoring Workers is a Two-Edged Sword

Companies increasingly use technology to track and monitor their workers, but this doesn't always improve performance or morale. Employers can — and should — monitor their workers so everyone can benefit from the process.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

How to Build a Winning Team

Expert tips on recruiting and retaining top-notch staff for your franchise.


How to Tell Your Boss You Are Burnt Out

If you're burned out at your job and are looking to enhance your career, it may be a good idea to have a conversation with your boss.