Erica McMillan

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Serial Entrepreneur, Online Visibility Strategist, Artist

Erica McMillan is a 10-time Founder, CEO, Serial Business Entrepreneur, Contemporary Artist, a member of the Forbes Business Council, Publicist, modern-Marketing Brand Consultant, Online Visibility Strategist and founder of the largest invitation-only private media relations network.

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Thought Leaders

The Era of Faceless Branding Is Over — Here's Why Modern Brands Fail and Publicity Reigns Supreme in 2024

No longer can a brand hide behind its company logo and expect to thrive.

Money & Finance

How to Monetize Your Brand and Turn Personal Influence into Profit in 2024

In today's fast-paced digital world, your personal brand is more than a mere online presence — it's a valuable asset waiting to be monetized.


5 estrategias de storytelling para tu próxima campaña de marketing

Contar una buena historia, en cuestiones de marketing, no se trata solo de crear un eslogan inteligente o producir un video conmovedor, sino de ver el mundo a través de los ojos de tus clientes y elaborar una narrativa que conecte con ellos.


5 Timeless Storytelling Strategies to Use in Your Next Marketing Campaign

Telling a good story in your marketing is not just about coming up with a clever catchphrase or producing a heartwarming video, but seeing the world through your customer's eyes and crafting a narrative that resonates with them.


Why AI is Changing the Future of Personal Branding

By utilizing AI-powered tools, you can receive valuable insights into your own strengths and weaknesses and enhance your online presence.

Social Media

6 Social Media Content Strategies That Will Transform You From An Unknown to a Trusted Authority

Establishing yourself as an expert on social media can be daunting, but it is possible with the right content strategy and dedication.

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