Kimberly Zhang: Page 4

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Chief Editor of Under30CEO

Kimberly Zhang, president and editor in chief of Under30CEO, has a passion for educating the next generation of leaders.

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Latest: Page 4

Green Entrepreneur®

4 Reasons Sustainability Will Benefit Your Business and Satisfy The Growing Trend of Green-Hungry Customers

Should you make corporate sustainability a goal for your company? Absolutely -- and you can't afford to wait for your competitors to get a green jumpstart.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

3 Strategies to Keep Employees Motivated In The Age of Burnout

Employee burnout and motivation can't coexist. Employ these three strategies to beat back the former and fuel the latter.


Boost Your Business with These First Impression Hacks

Want customers to flock to your brand? Focus on making a great first impression.

Estrategias de crecimiento

Cómo capacitar a sus agentes de atención al cliente para brindar un mejor servicio

El servicio al cliente comienza y termina con la forma en que sus empleados tratan a los navegadores y compradores. Asegúrese de que todos en su empresa tengan un juego de herramientas y un manual de estrategias para causar una excelente impresión.

Growing a Business

How to Train Your Customer Support Agents To Provide Better Service

Customer service begins and ends with the way your employees treat browsers and buyers. Make sure everyone in your company has a toolkit and playbook to make a terrific impression.

Thought Leaders

3 Strategies Entrepreneurs Can Incorporate to Build Brand Awareness

Small businesses face an uphill battle when it comes to building brand awareness. Podcasting, influencer marketing and local SEO are all affordable-yet-powerful marketing strategies that can help.