Hoarding Advertising Service

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

For anyone who is not familiar with the term hoarding, it is the temporary plywood fencing that is erected around the perimeter of a construction site. Typically, hoarding is used for construction sites in densely populated urban areas to prevent foot traffic from being potentially injured as a result of coming into contact with falling debris or construction equipment. While many people illegally post advertising posters and notices on hoarding fences, a very successful advertising business can be built by legally acquiring permission to post advertising on the fencing. Marketing this type of advertising is very easy as most hoarding is erected in highly visible areas and that is exactly the kind of exposure advertisers are seeking. Additionally, be sure to negotiate a revenue split arrangement with the contractors or property developers of the site, as this will definitely remove any potential objections.

Hoarding Advertising Service Ideas

Internet Marketing Consultant

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