Buying / Investing in Business - Page 10

In the market to buy a business or looking for your next big investment? Discover tips and news on buying and investing in big or small business endeavors.

Thought Leaders

How This Juice Bar Founder Squeezed Success From His Appearance on 'Elevator Pitch'

Ross Franklin, founder and CEO of Pure Green Franchise, explains his strategy for nabbing a sweet deal on "Elevator Pitch."

Business News

Roblox: Building a Gaming Empire, Brick by Brick

Roblox is an exploding online platform that is seeing renewed investor buzz driven by financial improvements and ambitious plans.

Business News

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) vs. Skyworks Solutions (SWKS): Best Chip Stock to Buy Analysis

With robust chip demand due to countless applications in multiple sectors and supportive government initiatives, the semiconductor industry seems well-positioned for significant growth in the long term. Chip stocks Advanced...

Business News

3 Biotech Stock Buys to Boost and Supercharge Portfolios

The biotechnology industry is flourishing due to the recent breakthroughs in drug development, technological advancements, and strong governmental backing. Given this backdrop, promising biotech stocks Organogenesis Holdings (ORGO), Theratechnologies (THTX),...

More Posts on Buying / Investing in Business

Business News

Now hiring: suddenly, jobs are going to these healthcare stocks

The healthcare sector is adding jobs like crazy, and markets are already betting on this short list of stocks heading higher in the near future.

Business News

Are These 3 Energy Stocks Set for Year-End Success?

With the global demand for oil and natural gas soaring and tightened supplies instigating high oil and gas prices, the energy sector's outlook appears robust. With such promising growth potential...

Business News

2024 Considerations: Buy or Hold for 3 Tech Stocks?

The persistent surge in technological innovation is fueling a steady demand for high-speed and more advanced products, propelling the tech sector forward. Therefore, let's explore whether to buy or hold...

Business News

Stock Trading Plan AFTER the Fed Meeting

If you were to ask Chairman Powell if there is a "dovish tilt" by the Fed who would say emphatically no. That is because they are open to raising rates...

Business News

Costco's earnings: Bulk buy blitz or bubble burst?

Exploring Costco's financial surprises, competitive edge, and challenges in a changing retail landscape.

Real Estate

I Have Over 20 Years of Experience in Real Estate — Here's the Investment Potential for Entrepreneurs.

Here's how any entrepreneur or business leader can align real estate investments with regional economic strengths, leverage institutional support and adapt to trends like sustainability and demographic shifts to maximize returns.

Business News

Decoding Buy or Hold for These 3 Software Stocks

The software industry is experiencing a surge in demand driven by rising digitization and a significant transition toward cloud-based solutions. Given this backdrop, let's decode whether software stocks Palo Alto...

Business News

Will this year's top performing stock ETFs stay hot in '24?

Even if there is a clear market rotation, these top performing ETFs will have an opportunity to secure gains and move on to be potential trophy winners in 2024.

Business News

Shift Into High Gear with These 3 Auto Stocks Primed for December Rally

Rising consumer demand for new vehicles and stabilizing inventory levels, alongside an intensified global shift toward electric vehicles (EVs), set the stage for robust growth within the automotive industry. Therefore,...

Business News

3 Outsourcing Stocks With Massive Upside Potential

The outsourcing industry remains well-positioned for significant growth as companies focus on their core competencies, expense management, and operational efficiency. Therefore, it could be prudent to buy outsourcing stocks ICF...

Business News

Pfizer: From pandemic hero to investor jitters

Pfizer's transitions from pandemic success to market concerns: analyzing revenue stagnation, investor reactions, and the company's strategic roadmap for growth.