Taxes - Page 2

Tax season on your mind? See what you need to know about business and corporate taxes, plus discover news and tips on tax filings and refunds.


Free Webinar | December 11: Top 10 Year-End Tax Strategies To Save Yourself Thousands

Register now to master year-end tax planning and unlock thousands in savings for your small business! Secure your spot and let our experts guide you toward financial success.

Business Ideas

9 Must-Do End of Year Tasks for All Business Owners

Don't let the year end without completing these important business musts.


7 Advanced Tax Strategies for Self-Employed Professionals

With 2023 coming to a close, here are seven advanced tax strategies to help you keep more of what you make.


Essential 1099 NEC Tax Information Every Business Owner Should Know

Whether you are receiving payments from other businesses for services or your business is paying someone for their services, understanding how 1099 NECs work is an important aspect of your business tax obligations

More Posts on Taxes

Business News

Filing Your Taxes Is About to Get Cheaper in 13 States. Here's Who's Eligible.

The IRS is set to launch a free tax preparation software called Direct File in 2024, offering an alternative to paid services like TurboTax.

Business News

'These Steps Are Urgent': IRS Takes Action in Wake of Record-Breaking $688 Billion Tax Gap

The IRS disclosed a historic tax gap for the 2021 tax year, marking the largest-ever recorded shortfall in tax payments.


Last Call for Tax Procrastinators: Don't Miss This Upcoming Tax Deadline or Expect to Pay These Penalties

If you filed for a six-month extension on your taxes, that deadline is approaching fast.

Business News

The IRS Is Using Artificial Intelligence to Catch Millionaires Dodging Taxes

Tax evasion cases had previously overwhelmed the agency. Now, the IRS is using AI to fight it.


Tackle Taxes With This Prep and Deduction Bundle With Courses Just $2 Each

Get help with self-employed taxes with this informative bundle, now $29.99.

Health & Wellness

There's A New Trend In Healthcare That's Saving Money For Small Businesses

Health Reimbursement Accounts offer new (and more affordable) options for many.

Starting a Business

Here's the Best State to Start a Business — and the Worst, New Research Reveals

Deciding where to launch your next venture could be just as important as the idea itself.


Want Taxes to Be Easy? Work on Them Year Round, Not Last Minute.

The way to make your annual taxes a good experience is to do your work now instead of waiting until right before they're due. Here's why.

Business News

These Are the U.S. Cities Where High-Earners Have the Most (And Least) Purchasing Power

Unsurprisingly, New York, Honolulu, and San Francisco are the three cities where high-earners lose most of their salary to taxes and living expenses. Here's where you can take home the most.

Starting a Business

How You Structure Your Business to the IRS Can Affect More Than Your Tax Bill. Here's What You Need to Know.

From startup to going public, the business formation structure you choose affects your company in many ways, including how you file your taxes and how much you owe the IRS.


6 Common Scenarios When You Might Need a Tax Attorney — and Why You Should Hire One Sooner Than Later

Taxes and tax law change on a regular basis. A tax attorney can help you navigate those complexities and ensure your business is prepared for the future.