Culture - Page 10

Ready for the new normal? Find out how to cultivate a strong company culture, whether you're in-person, hybrid or remote, here.


The Miley Cyrus Approach To Marketing — Why It's a Radically Different Method For Achieving Brand Impact

In case you missed it, Miley Cyrus recently won her first Grammy. In her acceptance speech, she told a story that is a great learning lesson for business owners and marketers alike, especially those who find themselves burned out and exhausted in this current environment.


Women Are More Likely to Be Laid Off Than Promoted in Tech — Here's How We Can Change the Status Quo

In the face of a tech industry where women are more likely to be laid off than be promoted to leadership positions, it's time to hack the system and reboot the gender balance for good to turbocharge innovation and propel the industry.

Starting a Business

How Can You Make Sure Your Business Will Survive Anything? Try These 3 Proven Strategies

No matter how uncertain the economy is, you can survive anything as long as you prepare. Here are a few strategies to consider.

Business News

It's Leap Day, and You're Probably Working — Here's How 'February 29' Affects Your Paycheck

One key distinction could determine if you see extra cash this year.

More Posts on Culture


Navigating the Diverse Marketing Landscape of Black America — How to Foster Authentic Engagement, Loyalty and Respect

The importance of cultural specificity and how brands can authentically engage with the broader Black community.


Why Empathy-Driven Leadership is the Cornerstone of Every Successful Startup

Fostering empathy within your startup not only drives innovation, it also cultivates resilient, inclusive communities.

Starting a Business

The Waitlist for This Sushi Spot Numbers in the Hundreds. Here's the Secret Ingredient of Its Success.

Royal Sushi & Izakaya's Jesse Ito discusses the power of apprenticeship, following in his father's footsteps, and creating a unique restaurant vibe.


As a Black Woman CEO, I Built a Remote Company Not Just to Save Money — But to Mirror My Commitment to Diversity. Here's How.

To fuel innovation and global success, you absolutely need diverse perspectives — and having team members all across the world with varying thought processes, life experiences and viewpoints is the key.


How to Transform Your Car Into an Alternative Workspace

Think you can't get any work done when duty calls you away from your office? Think again! It's amazing how efficiently some tasks can be performed from America's new third workspace: your vehicle.

Growing a Business

The Owners of This Texas Farmers Market Took a Big Gamble. Here's How It Paid Off Bigger Than They Dreamed.

A Texas farmers market educates customers about the importance of shopping local for a healthy lifestyle and an even healthier small business community.

Growing a Business

Celebrity Chef Maneet Chauhan Shares Her Best Tip for Aspiring TV Chefs

Chef and restaurateur Maneet Chauhan discusses the reality of being a chef, sharing stories online and becoming a food TV personality.


Adapting to Change Is Key to Surviving Every Consumer Demand — Just Ask Netflix, Blockbuster, WeWork and More

Many businesses have closed down because they did not spot major changes and failed to adapt to the new reality. Don't let yours be one of them by learning from history.


Prioritize DEI and Crush Your ROI Goals — How Inclusive and Authentic Marketing Drive Business Growth

There's one business hack that's winning, though it's often overlooked: Diversity, equity and inclusion is good for business — and just plain good.


Why the National Football League Is a Leader in Social and Corporate Impact

Along with enjoying its highest ever viewership ratings, the NFL has evolved into a pioneering force for social change and corporate impact.

Buying / Investing in Business

The Difference Between Startup Success and Failure Comes Down to This One Thing

If you want to invest in a startup, look closely at the people behind the curtain. Their personality, skills and innovative prowess will drive a successful business.